Academy Gallery
Tasmanian College of the Arts University of Tasmania Launceston Australia
The Academy Gallery is located at the University of Tasmania, at Inveresk, Northern Tasmania. The gallery is dedicated to the pursuit of excellence by exhibiting contemporary art and design including works from Tasmania's Tasmanian College of the Arts students. The modern gallery is a Level A class exhibition space incorporated into the Inveresk cultural precinct. It represents the new public face of the University of Tasmania. The viewing audience consists of members of the Launceston community and nearby regional centres, national and international visitors and numerous primary and secondary school groups. The gallery welcomes full participatory interest and engagement with its local constituency and visitors to Tasmania. The exhibition program includes international exhibition projects, exhibitions by well-known Australian and emerging artists, craftspeople, designers, as well as student exhibitions. The program aims to display art, craft and design that has the capacity to be insightful, challenging and rewarding to a wide cross-section of the community. The Academy Gallery exhibition program focuses on production of exhibitions for touring intrastate, interstate and internationally as well as attracting high quality exhibitions from across the globe. The Academy Gallery is approximately a ten-minute walk from Launceston's central business district.