Rick Rutherfords Country Gallery
3 Badgery Crescent Lawson Australia
Rick Rutherford's Country Gallery is open daily and located within the heritage precinct of Lawson, on the Badgery Crescent side of Lawson. As the founding author of "Australian Country Collections" magazine, Rick purchased and restored a graceful Blue Mountains Lawson property years ago, creating a unique country gallery in the process, which is open to the public to inspect firsthand. Within its many rooms, Rick Rutherford's Country Gallery is a world of country looks spanning the many traditions and interpretations of what country is all about. Each room has its own individual theme, creating a feeling of stepping into another time and place. Nessie's Daffodil Tearoom and - most recently - Badgery Heritage Gallery - are also part of this unique Blue Mountains experience, offering both old-fashioned tearoom and delicious luncheon fare, all adding up to making RRC one of the middle mountain's principal drawcards and visitor attractions.