Cameron Corner


Cameron Corner is where the States of Queensland, New South Wales and South Australia meet. John Cameron, the NSW Lands Department Surveyor, led the first survey party along the NSW/QLD border between 1879 and 1881. On arriving at the corner in September 1880 Cameron erected a wooden boundary post with the inscription "LAT29" (latitude 29 degrees) and "Cameron". This original post is displayed at the National Parks and Wildlife Service Office in Tibooburra. The new post was erected in 1969. The Cameron Corner Store was first opened by the late Sandy Nall in May 1989. The Interpretive Centre contains information on the world's longest fence, the Dingo/Wild Dog Barrier Fence, which stretches over approximately 5500 kilometres. The Fence was adapted from the original rabbit proof fence, and now separates dingoes in central Australia from livestock in south-east Australia. The Fence winds its way from the Great Australian Bight to south-east Queensland through five deserts, and Cameron Corner is located approximately midway along the entire structure. Boundary riders are employed by the Wild Dog Destruction Board (WDDB) to maintain the New South Wales section of the fence. The Cameron Corner Store provides licensed accommodation, meals, telephone services, fuel, puncture repairs, minor mechanical repairs, and camping. Local tourist information, and souvenirs are also available at the ‘Corner', together with friendly local service. Cameron Corner boasts an unsealed airstrip for visitors who prefer to fly in. If you are brave enough to tackle the heat, the folks at Cameron Corner offer warm hospitality (and cold beer) for their traditional New Year's Eve party. Where else can you experience New Year in three time zones? While you are here, play a round of golf with three holes in each state. From Cameron Corner you can travel south to Tibooburra or north west to Innamincka.