Tunnel View lookout


With marvellous views across to Glenbrook and as far as Kurrajong, almost 50km away, Tunnel View lookout is a great destination for sweeping valley vistas, birdwatching and wildflowers. Situated in the Glenbrook region of Blue Mountains National Park, it’s a popular lookout for all ages and harbours a special treat for train buffs. From the unfenced lookout, gaze across to train-line cutting and you’ll see the two historic tunnels, constructed in 1911. Beyond all this, look for the basalt capped mountains of Mount Banks and Mount Tomah. In the warmer months you’ll see the creamy spikes of the woody pears as well as the delicate white blossoms of the flannel flower. In May, mixed feeding flocks of migrating red wattlebirds, honey eaters and noisy friarbirds congregate around here. You can round off your day-trip in the Glenbrook region with Glenbrook - Nepean lookout and perhaps a dip at the pool along Jellybean track.