The Gap and Natural Bridge

via Frenchman Bay Road Albany Australia


Lookouts at both the Gap and Natural Bridge provide outstanding views of the Southern Ocean and the coast from Bald Head to West Cape Howe. Visitors to the Gap can venture onto a universally accessible new viewing platform 40 metres directly above the surging seas in all but the worst weather conditions. From the gentle and mesmerising heaving of calm seas to the buffeting rush of wind and spray of winter storms the experience changes from day to day. A raised pathway leads from the carpark and picnic area across the top of the exposed granite ramparts to reach the viewing platform at the Gap. The pathway gives safe access to the best views while protecting vulnerable plants and lichens on the rock surface from trampling. The solid, universally accessible pathway and viewing area of the Natural Bridge provides a less confronting but still impressive window to one of Australia’s most exposed coasts.