Lower Snowy Drive


Kosciuszko National Park is so vast, that you need a car to be able to explore all it has to offer. Lower Snowy drive is perfect for just that – it’s a sprawling, open-ended road trip that swings past some outstanding attractions before crossing the NSW state line. Starting from the park entry at Ingebyra, the road twists down toward the Snowy River valley, where an ideal first stop comes at Wallace Craigie lookout, offering scenic views of the surrounding area, as well as great birdwatching. From here, you’ll pass Jacobs River campground – the first of many beautiful picnic areas. Bring a packed lunch and find your own private retreat beneath some eucalypts. You might even like to bring along the swimmers and a fishing rod. After reaching Pinch campground, the road climbs up and away from the river, leading to Jacks lookout, which lets you peer back at the scenic way you’ve come. Barry Way then winds down and passes more campgrounds and picnic areas, before heading for Victoria. With so many scenic views and attractions to catch along the way, Lower Snowy drive offers a superb opportunity at any time of year.